“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10
Considering Charitable Giving
After considering the needs of your family, you may wish to leave all or a portion of your estate to one or more ministries of our Church. Perhaps you will choose to remember Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church. By your contribution to the Church, we have an opportunity to serve people in ways which we as individuals could never accomplish alone. Even small bequests are appreciated.
Planned gifts are increasing in popularity because they allow you to reap the many benefits of giving during your lifetime. Many individuals are choosing to incorporate planned giving into their financial and estate plan. Through planned giving, you are provided with an excellent opportunity to control who will benefit from your lifetime of hard work.
Your individualized goals and dreams make each gift unique and important. As Martin Luther stated, “The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious.” Planned giving takes many forms and can be tailored to meet your needs and goals. OSLC needs help for its future in Long Beach. Can you help us? Talk to Pastor Scott or send an email to
Benefits of Making a Charitable Gift
Your contribution supports continued growth of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church. Your contribution says “thank you” to an organization that has been particularly helpful or meaningful to you and your family. You may designate your bequest as a memorial to loved ones. In the case of life income gift, income from the gift may be tax-free. Your contribution may be deducted from the estate before taxes, resulting in reduced taxes.