Our Mission
Together in Jesus Christ we are freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly and serve joyfully.
Pastor - Rev. Scott Fritz, pastor@oslchurch.org
Parish Secretary – Marilyn Chelsvig, oslchurch@oslchurch.org
Bookkeeper- Bob Savala, oslcfinance@oslchurch.org
Music Director/Organist – Dr. Patricia Hannifan, patricia.hannifan@gmail.com
Custodian – Jerry Clyne – oslcustodian@oslchurch.org
Church Council
Kevin Wattier, President
Loren Curtis, Vice President
Bob Savala, Treasurer
Kathy Sorenson, Secretary
Vacant, Worship
Tracy Fideler-Rodriguez, Education
Tricia Johnson, Outreach/Evangelism
Sheila Nix, Stewardship
Liliana Roman, Social Concerns
Vacant, Property